Ithaca Skb 600 Serial Numbers
I don't want to burst anybody's bubble, but, for the most part, the parts on the new SKB's are interchangeable with the old Ithaca SKB's. Like all O/U's, parts need to be more or less hand fitted to the individual gun. Aqua data studio license key. I recently broke a top ejector on my Ithaca/SKB 700. After a call to Gun's Unlimited, I had a new ejector in days, and another couple of days for a gunsmith to fit it.
ITHACA Model 600 Over Under Shotgun 'Trap Grade' 12 Gauge. ITHACA for sale by Aspen. This gun was manufactured for Browning by SKB. The serial number. The Ithaca-SKB Grades 300 and 900 (Recoil Action) were introduced in 1968 and discontinued in 1973. The Grade 300 was priced at $159.91 the Grade 900 was $169.95 Both models were available in 12 and 20 gauge.
If you look at the schematics on the SKB website, you'll find that parts for the Ithaca/SKB 500, 600, and 700, and the SKB 500, 505, 585, 600, 605, 685, 785, and 885 are the same. The 85TSS has a couple of modified parts, but very few. The SKB is a modification of an old Merkel design that hasn't changed much since the 60's. Just found a model 600 28' at a local gun show for $350!!! The guy told me it was a 'skeet gun' (barrels marked full and impmod), also was told it was bored out to take 3' shells (forcing cones were lengthened and polished).
Ithaca Model 600 Skb Shotguns Serial Numbers

Ithaca Skb 600 For Sale
Gun was probably 95% condition. Shot it yesterday (in a typical U.P. Spring gale) and hit 22/25 (not bad for a strange gun). I learned to shoot trap w/a century single from SKB. Wish I still had it, just for fun. SKB's are good starter guns, and largely underrated. Just purchased older skb w/ no identifying marks on top of barrel either side of very wide broadway vent rib.
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Ithaca Skb 500 Serial Numbers
Only proof marks are - left side of barrel by chamber: 'M7IV' over '891' - right side: 'SPR' over 'SPR' - bottom of barrel: 'K' then the serial number '708XXX' then '6' then 'NP'. The only markings on this o/u shotgun that identifies this firearm other than the actual way it was manufactured is the buttplate w/ ' SKB ' lettering on it. Nothing about Ithaca. The shotgun's entire receiver,trigger guard, and top end of barrels near the chambers is intricately & highly engraved by hand ( deep relief ). Can anyone help to identify what model? Serial # on reciever is 'CM708XXX' on bottom within the cavity made for it. Also I need to replace some of the trigger parts, the trigger itself w/ selector as well as bottom firing pin and bushing/retainer and possibly both sears.